
Fully Personalisable Poster Prints

Demonstrate your photos in style as you create your very own fully personalisable Poster Prints online with Picsmela in Bangladesh. Do your exclusive snapshots printed into posters, putting it up for display on home wall, office or studio. Picsmela has several different designs for you to choose from, covering a variety of topics from travel to everyday moments. These themes can be fully customised to your preference, flowing in your photos and rearranging the elements in any way you want it to.

Poster Prints are printed to perfection on our Photo Lustre paper, long-lusting paper, giving your images stunning colours on a satin-matte texture. Choose between creating it in Portrait or in Landscape format, as well as different sizes for each.

Get started now and show off your photos in style as you create your very own fully personalisable Poster Prints online with Picsmela.

Popular Poster Templates

Create your Poster

Technical Specification

Bleed Size

303x426 mm

Trim Size

297x420 mm

Safety size

291x414 mm


300 dpi

Color Space

Convert your design to CMYK for more accurate colors

Acceptable File Formats


Bleed Size

426x600 mm

Trim Size

420x594 mm

Safety size

414x588 mm


300 dpi

Color Space

Convert your design to CMYK for more accurate colors

Acceptable File Formats


Bleed Size

600x847 mm

Trim Size

594x841 mm

Safety size

588x837 mm


300 dpi

Color Space

Convert your design to CMYK for more accurate colors

Acceptable File Formats


Bleed area

This is the area which the background color/graphics should cover if it is printed to the edge of the product.

Trim area

This is where final cut will be made to make your product the final size. That's why we have the bleed area - to make sure your background comes right to the edge.

Safe area

Any text or graphics placed inside the dotted line is safe from trimming. Important elements should be placed within the safe area.

Bleed area
Trim area
Safe area
Photo Prints

Preserving Great Moments

Share your most precious digital snaps by turning them into beautiful Photo Prints. Available in different sizes and paper types, your memories deserve to be honoured.

Photo Paper Types

Your photographs are meant to be kept and enjoyed for many years to come. Our premium photo papers will make sure of that for you.


Tamjid A

April 20, 2016

M Kabir

April 21, 2016

J Erickson

April 22, 2019

all testimonials